Friday, April 23, 2010

I did it!

Wear high heels for an outing with the baby that is! Woot!

I packed the baby, my purse, put the heels on and off we went, I even had to park far at my accountant's office, but everything went fine! Aside from accidentaly kicking in the gravel a little with an open toe shoe, it worked just fine. I don't think I could do it for an outing where I have to walk very far but at least I can rock the heels on shorter outings.

So for all the high heels loving mamas out there, it is possible to look stylish, even after a baby.

Oh and a little bonus, I got checked out by two cute guys in suits, yay me!

1 comment:

  1. I am about to go out on a date night, rockin' the red heels. I managed them once this weekend with Sophia too, but DH was with me to help. Good for you.
