Sunday, March 28, 2010

Traveling alone with a 9-month old- Part 2

So the 3-hour drive was pretty good, baby was fighting napping but not being fussy so I figured, once we get to my parent's house, he'll sleep in the pack 'n play. Sooo , I get home (after a brief visit to my grandma to get the house key, since I realized after 2 hours of driving, that I forgot mine home...) thought I would set up the pack 'n play first, get baby down for a nice long nap, and then I could unpack and eat.

I never needed to set up the PnP before, my husband always did it, but I thought, I'll be fine, how hard can it be...oh boys, how wrong was I to think that I could get it all set up in 5 minutes. Maybe a normal one, but apparently ours was designed by Satan! Fast forward 30 minutes later, I'm still trying to get the sides to click in place, I'm sweating buckets, my mom's dog keeps jumping up on me, baby is following me and grabbing the bottom of my pants because he's so exhausted and he wants me to pick him up, AND I keep calling my husband for some pointers (because he NEVER mentionned how hard it was to get the f***in thing to work) and he sounds like someone who never even saw the pack 'n play and can't tell me how to do get it working.

After 1 hour of trying, cursing (in hushed tones because baby is there of course), and wishing the creator of the PnP to die a horrific death, I had to admit defeat. But by now, my little man is WAY too tired to go to sleep easily, so I decided to take him to visit my mom at her office, and that he would fall alsleep in the car. He slept maybe 10 minutes in the car and then he was back to being awake, overtired , and whiny. So again, I tried for another 30 minutes to get the PnP to cooperate with me, so I could put the little one down for a much needed nap, to no avail!

Finally my mom got home from work and together, we got it to click in place, but only after another 30 minutes of huffing and pulling and cursing and trying, and pulling some more. I told my husband that night that there was no way I was taking it down the next day to go back home, the PnP will remain at my mom's house, all set up, until my sister and I have no more little kids that needs it. We will buy a cheap one for when our little man goes to my sister's to visit. By the tone of my voice, he knew better than to try to reason with me.

If you add up all the time it took me to get it done, its a whoping 2 HOURS...aren't those supposed to be designed to be easily put together???

So aside from the fact that my poor baby didn't get to nap ALL DAY, my first experience traveling alone with him was a success, I learned a few things, and I will do it again in the future if I need to!

Eddie Bauer people, if you read this, WTF??

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