Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Fighting Naps

How wonderful would it be to be able to nap just whenever we are tired, just like that, in the middle of the day? It would be great you'll tell me...then can someone explain to me why babies FIGHT naps so darn hard????? Don't they realize how lucky they are?

My beautiful little man got up at 9 ish this morning (after a 5 am bottle that is..) and he only decided to nap at 4:20 PM!!! He fought the morning nap for an hour before I went and got him, figured he would just sleep longer this afternoon, nope! Granted I was doing my aunt's hair this afternoon and he wasn't in his own crib (she has a crib for her grandkids and he borrows it from time to time) but still!! Normally he sleeps there no problem, but not today, he fought it until we were on our way back, then he fell asleep in the car. I transfered him in his crib once we got home and he's been out ever since.

I would be ok with skipping naps if he wasn't so fussy (which is so unlike him!), didn't he get the memo, that when you intentionally skip a nap, you are not allowed to be cranky since it's your own fault? Oh wait, 9 months old don't get memos because they can't read!

Good thing he is so darn cute, I can't stay mad for more than 2 seconds, then he smiles at me and everything is well is the world again :)

Oh well, I bet he'll sleep great tonight!


  1. "didn't he get the memo, that when you intentionally skip a nap, you are not allowed to be cranky since it's your own fault?"

    O M G YES!

  2. Glad I'm not the only one feeling that way MrsBro!
